以 Virtual Judge 为平台,扫描带有 Pal 字样的题目,带有回文字样的题目太简单了。
扫了 378 题,不会 0 题,还有 0 题没扫。
2018-03-09: 完结撒花~
1019 - Palindrome 线段树 + hash
2292 - Common Palindromes 计数 + 回文树
2307 - Palindrome Generator 模拟
AGC 001 D - Arrays and Palindrome 构造
ARC 064 F - Rotated Palindromes 计数 + 容斥
ABC 070 A - Palindromic Number 模拟
CODE FESTIVAL 2017 qual B C - Palindromic Matrix 构造
CODE FESTIVAL 2017 qual C D - Yet Another Palindrome Partitioning DP + hash
CODE FESTIVAL 2017 Final B - Palindrome-phobia 构造
AMLPALIN - Longest Palindrome 贪心
ANKPAL - Palindromic Queries hash
AOPN - Total Palindromic Numbers 数位 DP
CB03 - Palindromic Subsequences 区间 DP
CHEFHPAL - Chef Hates Palindromes 构造
CHEFPALS - (Challenge) Chef and Palindromes 随机 + 搜索 + 剪枝
COUNTPAL - Count palindromes DP
DUALPAL - Chef and the Dual Palindromes 折半 + 搜索
ETMX02 - Palindromic Milestones 数位 DP
EXOCODE3 - Chef and Palindrome 贪心
EXPALIN - Exponential Sub-Palindromes 枚举
IITK2P02 - Not Palindrome 计数 + 构造
LEXOPAL - Faded Palindromes 贪心
LPALLIN - Luther and Palindromes 枚举
MAKPALIN - Make Palindrome hash
NDIFFPAL - N different palindromes 构造
NONPALIN - First non-Palindrome manacher
PALIN - The Next Palindrome 数位 DP
PALIN3 - 3-Palindromes manacher
PALINDR - Lucy and Palindromes 计数 + 平衡树
PALINGAM - Palindromic Game 枚举
PALIPALI - Palindrome Palindrome manacher + set
PALSTR - Chef And Palindromes 区间 DP
PERPALIN - Periodic Palindrome Construction 构造
PRPALIN - Prime Palindromes 枚举
PRPALN - Let us construct palindrome 贪心
SPALNUM - Sum of palindromic numbers 枚举
STRPALIN - Palindromic substrings 贪心
TREEPAL - Tree Palindromes 回文树
WAYPA - Trip and Palindromes 二分 + 点分治 + hash
7D - Palindrome Degree DP + hash
17E - Palisection manacher
245H - Queries for Number of Palindromes 区间 DP
486C - Palindrome Transformation 贪心
501E - Misha and Palindrome Degree 计数 + 二分
504C - Misha and Palindrome Degree 计数 + 二分
557E - Ann and Half-Palindrome 枚举 + 字典树
568A - Primes or Palindromes? 二分 + 枚举
569C - Primes or Palindromes? 二分 + 枚举
600C - Make Palindrome 构造 + 贪心
748D - Santa Claus and a Palindrome 贪心
752D - Santa Claus and a Palindrome 贪心
784D - Touchy-Feely Palindromes 找规律 + 模拟
835D - Palindromic characteristics 区间 DP
914E - Palindromes in a Tree 点分治 + 计数 + DP
932A - Palindromic Supersequence 构造
932G - Palindrome Partition DP + border series
100025E - Average Palindromes manacher + 数值近似
100026D - The Longest Palindrome 记忆化搜索 + DP
100032K - Subpalindromes manacher + 线段树 + 计数
100217G - Palindromes 区间 DP
100324A - Almost Palindromic Numbers 数位 DP
100365B - Antipalindromic Numbers 数位 DP
100459D - Evil Palindromes 数位 DP
100589B - Count Palindromes 枚举
100570E - Palindrome Query 线段树 + 二分 + hash
100676F - F. Palindrome 并查集 + 计数
100739J - Longest cheap palindrome 区间 DP
100834G - Polycarp and Palindromes 线段树 + hash
100923L - Por Costel and the Semipalindromes 模拟
100952C - Palindrome Again !! 贪心
100952H - Special Palindrome DP
100975G - The Game (Building a Palindrome) 构造 + 贪心
101059E - Palindromic-quadruples 线段树 + DP
101047B - Renzo and the palindromic decoration 模拟
101194B - Hemi Palindrome 数位 DP
101237C - The Palindrome Extraction manacher + 后缀数组
101306A - Palindrome Password 枚举
101366B - Yet Another Palindrome 状压 DP
101370H - Square Palindrome DP
101372C - A Bit Palindromic Numbers 数位 DP
101498H - Palindrome Number 贪心
101532K - Palindromes Building 计数
101614A - Almost Palindrome 模拟
101615K - Spinning Up Palindromes 贪心
101564E - Palindromic DNA 2-SAT
1053 - The Least Palindromic Number 数位 DP
1647 - SimplePalindromicTree 分块 + manacher
1744 - Palindrome Pairs 计数 + hash
1844 - Palindromic DNA 2-SAT
1124 - Palindrom 区间 DP
1937 - Palindrome 区间 DP
Build a Palindrome 枚举 + manacher + 后缀数组
Circular Palindromes manacher + 线段树
Functional Palindromes 回文树 + 后缀数组
Longest Palindromic Subsequence 枚举 + DP
Palindromes DP + 高斯消元
Palindromic Border 计数 + 回文树
Palindromic Subsets 线段树 + 计数
Project Euler #4: Largest palindrome product 枚举
Project Euler #36: Double-base palindromes 枚举
Project Euler #125: Palindromic sums 枚举
Shashank and the Palindromic Strings 区间 DP
SubPal 区间 DP
Transform to Palindrome 区间 DP
1513 - Palindrome 区间 DP
1544 - Palindrome 区间 DP
2029 - Palindromes _easy version 模拟
2166 - Palindromic Primes Category in Jeopardy! 枚举
2765 - Recursively Palindromic Partitions DP
3856 - Palindrome manacher + 二分
3948 - The Number of Palindromes 回文树
4365 - Palindrome graph 计数 + 枚举
4426 - Palindromic Substring 回文树 + hash
4618 - Palindrome Sub-Array DP
4632 - Palindrome subsequence 区间 DP
5062 - Beautiful Palindrome Number 枚举
5340 - Three Palindromes manacher + bitset
5658 - CA Loves Palindromic 回文树 + 枚举
5760 - Palindrome Bo 区间 DP
6230 - Palindrome manacher + set
1149 - Palindrome 区间 DP
1323 - Making Palindrome 区间 DP
1384 - Palindrome Number 数位 DP
1152 - Problem C: Palindromic Primes Category in Jeopardy! 枚举
1283 - Recursively Palindromic Partitions DP
Palindrome Names 区间 DP
Palindromes manacher + 线段树 + 计数
Palindromic Naming 区间 DP
1033 - Generating Palindromes 区间 DP
1044 - Palindrome Partitioning DP
1205 - Palindromic Numbers 数位 DP
1225 - Palindromic Numbers (II) 模拟
1258 - Making Huge Palindromes manacher
1396 - Palindromic Numbers (III) 数位 DP
1251 - Find the Palindrome manacher
1383 - Palindrome String 区间 DP
1474 - Palindromic 数位 DP
BaiLian 1159 - Palindrome 区间 DP
BaiLian 3261 - palindrome 区间 DP
1159 - Palindrome 区间 DP
2402 - Palindrome Numbers 数位 DP
3280 - Cheapest Palindrome 区间 DP
3376 - Finding Palindromes 计数 + hash
3790 - Recursively Palindromic Partitions DP
3974 - Palindrome manacher
1920 - Palindrome Problem El Borpem Ord Nilap 模拟
2731 - Cheapest Palindrome 区间 DP
3212 - Palindromic Primes Category in Jeopardy! 枚举
3597 - Palindromes manacher
327 - Yet Another Palindrome 状压 DP
APIO14_A - Palindromes 计数 + 回文树
CODESPTF - Palindromes DP + 高斯消元
CTPLUCKY - Super Lucky Palindromes 计数 + 数位 DP
EPALIN - Extend to Palindrome manacher
GOC11B - Mr.BG Hates Palindrome 计数
IOIPALIN - Palindrome 2000 区间 DP
JUSTAPAL - Just a Palindrome 枚举 + 二分 + hash
LPS - Longest Palindromic Substring manacher
MBIPALIN - Bipalindrome 计数 + 枚举
NUMOFPAL - Number of Palindromes 区间 DP
PALDR - Even Palindrome 贪心 + manacher
PALIN - The Next Palindrome 数位 DP
PALIND - palind 枚举 + 模拟
PALINS - Nabid Loves Palindromic String 模拟
PALMKR - Palindrome Maker 区间 DP
PALNUM - Palindromic Number 枚举 + 数位 DP
PALSEC - Choosing a Palindromic Sequence DP
PARTPAL - Partial Palindrome 枚举 + 后缀数组
PARTPALI - Particular Palindromes DP
PLD - Palindromes 枚举 + hash
PLNDROME - Palindrome Or Not hash
PLNDTREE - Palindrome in a Tree 线段树
SPCS - Gopu And Palindromes 模拟
TPCPALIN - Palindrome Merge 区间 DP
TREEPAL - Tree and Palindrome bfs
VPALIN - Finding Palindromes 枚举 + hash
YODA - Yoda Goes Palindromic ! 计数
SRM 165 Div.2 Hard - ShortPalindromes 区间 DP
SRM 274 Div.1 Easy & Div.2 Medium - PalindromeMaker 贪心
SRM 294 Div.1 Medium & Div.2 Hard - Palindromist DP
SRM 299 Div.1 Medium - PalindromePartition DP
SRM 302 Div.1 Medium - IntegerPalindrome 数位 DP
SRM 303 Div.2 Hard - PrimePalindromic 枚举
SRM 305 Div.1 Medium - InterleavePal 区间 DP
SRM 317 Div.1 Easy & Div.2 Medium - PalindromicNumbers 枚举
SRM 324 Div.1 Easy & Div.2 Medium - PalindromeDecoding 模拟
SRM 324 Div.1 Hard - PalindromeEncoding 贪心
SRM 330 Div.2 Hard - NextPalindromicNumber 数位 DP
SRM 335 Div.2 Easy - Palindromize 枚举
SRM 337 Div.2 Easy - Palindromize2 贪心
SRM 337 Div.1 Hard - CountPalindromes DP + 字典树
TCO 2007 1B Div.1 Easy - AntiPalindrome 构造 + 贪心
SRM 428 Div.2 Easy - ThePalindrome 枚举
SRM 428 Div.1 Medium - TheLongPalindrome 计数
SRM 439 Div.2 Hard - PalindromeFactory 枚举 + 区间 DP
SRM 439 Div.1 Medium - PalindromePhrases 枚举
SRM 474 Div.2 Easy - PalindromesCount 区间 DP
TCO 2010 Qual 2 Medium - Palindromize3 枚举
SRM 496 Div.2 Hard - PalindromfulString 模拟
SRM 499 Div.2 Hard - PalindromeGame 贪心
SRM 509 Div.2 Easy - PalindromizationDiv2 枚举
SRM 509 Div.1 Medium - PalindromizationDiv1 区间 DP
SRM 528 Div.2 Easy - MinCostPalindrome 贪心
TCO 2012 1C Div.1 Hard - PasswordXPalindrome 贪心
SRM 564 Div.2 Easy - FauxPalindromes 模拟
SRM 600 Div.2 Hard - PalindromeMatrixDiv2 枚举
SRM 600 Div.1 Medium - PalindromeMatrix 状压 DP
SRM 607 Div.2 Medium - PalindromicSubstringsDiv2 区间 DP
SRM 607 Div.1 Easy - PalindromicSubstringsDiv1 枚举 + 近似
SRM 625 Div.1 Easy - PalindromePermutations 计数
SRM 677 Div.2 Easy - PalindromePrime 枚举
SRM 677 Div.2 Hard - PalindromePath DP + bfs
SRM 708 Div.2 Hard - PalindromicSubseq2 枚举 + 区间 DP
SRM 708 Div.1 Medium - PalindromicSubseq 枚举 + 区间 DP
SRM 712 Div.2 Medium - MakePalindrome 贪心
TCO 2017 China Div.1 Hard - EllysPrimePals 枚举 + 模拟
TCC India 2017 Div.1 Hard - ConsecutivePalindromes 容斥 + DP
116 - Beautiful Palindromes 数位 DP
606 - Palindrome Again 计数 + 回文树
1066 - Palindromic String manacher + DP
1473 - Bob and Alice are playing palindrome DP + border series
1577 - Joyful Palindr0me 计数 + 构造 + 容斥 + DP + hash
old 1191 - Beautiful Palindromes 数位 DP
old 1129 - Prime Palindromes 枚举
old 1411 - Recursively Palindromic Partitions DP
old 1697 - Palindrome Again 计数 + 回文树
1297 - Palindrome manacher
1354 - Palindrome. Again Palindrome manacher
1635 - Mnemonics and Palindromes DP
1714 - Mnemonics and Palindromes 2 构造
1737 - Mnemonics and Palindromes 3 构造
1954 - Five Palindromes DP + border series
1960 - Palindromes and Super Abilities manacher
1989 - Subpalindromes 线段树 + hash
2040 - Palindromes and Super Abilities 2 回文树
2044 - 31 Palindromes DP + border series
2058 - 100500 palidnromes DP + border series
2057 - Non-palidromic cutting 找规律 + DP
2059 - Not common palindromes 回文树
2060 - Subpalindrome pairs 计数 + manacher
257 - Palinwords hash
290 - Palindroms <---> smordnilaP 模拟
1239 - Greatest K-Palindrome Substring manacher + DP
1244 - Palindromic paths 区间 DP
10453 - Make Palindrome 区间 DP
10617 - Again Palindrome 区间 DP
10739 - String to Palindrome 区间 DP
10788 - Parenthesizing Palindromes 区间 DP
10848 - Make Palindrome Checker 模拟
11027 - Palindromic Permutation 枚举 + 计数
11151 - Longest Palindrome 区间 DP
11221 - Magic square palindromes. 模拟
11404 - Palindromic Subsequence 区间 DP
11475 - Extend to Palindrome hash
11584 - Partitioning by Palindromes 区间 DP
11753 - Creating Palindrome 区间 DP
11828 - Palindrome Again 计数 + DP
12050 - Palindrome Numbers 数位 DP
12273 - Palindromic DNA 2-SAT
12473 - Common Palindrome 区间 DP
12656 - Almost Palindrome 枚举 + DP
12718 - Dromicpalin Substrings 枚举
12940 - Next Palindromic Numbers 数位 DP
12960 - Palindrome 区间 DP
13209 - My Password is a Palindromic Prime Number 模拟
2560 - Unimodal Palindromic Decompositions DP
2889 - Palindrome Numbers 数位 DP
2905 - Particular Palindromes DP
3947 - Mirrored palindromes 模拟
4067 - Palindromic Primes Category in Jeopardy! 枚举
4144 - Greatest K-Palindrome Substring 枚举 + DP
4235 - Recursively Palindromic Partitions DP
4336 - Palindromic paths 区间 DP
4915 - Palindromes 区间 DP
4958 - Palindromic DNA 2-SAT
5960 - Jill and Phil’s Palindromic Peregrinations 枚举
6072 - Palindromic Substring 回文树 + hash
6114 - Palindrome 枚举 + hash
6483 - Nested Palindromes 数位 DP
6595 - Palindrome 区间 DP
6659 - Dromicpalin Substrings 枚举
6795 - Palindrome Numbers 数位 DP
7502 - Suffixes and Palindromes 构造 + 并查集 + DP
7898 - Hemi Palindrome 数位 DP
8225 - Palindromic Password 枚举
1453 - Number of Palindrome manacher
1353 - Unimodal Palindromic Decompositions DP
2000 - Palindrome Numbers 数位 DP
2744 - Palindromes 区间 DP
3339 - Palindrom 数位 DP
3514 - Palindromic Mighty String DP
3661 - Palindromic Substring 回文树
3807 - Just a Palindrome 枚举 + 二分 + hash
3816 - Generalized Palindromic Number 数位 DP
判断回文可以用 hash 判定原串与逆串是否相等,找某个中心扩展的回文串可以用原串和逆串最长公共前缀。
一个串的本质不同回文子串个数是关于串长线性的,长度为 $n$ 的串在末尾加一个字符 $c$ 后如果想多一个本质不同的回文子串,那么必然是当前串的最长回文后缀。
没有长度为 2 的(或偶数长度)回文子串意味着任意连续 2 个字符不同,没有长度大于 1 的回文子串意味着任意连续 3 个字符不同。
回文只限制了等于和不等于的关系,可以用最小表示法表示回文。规模较大,限制较少时,也可采用下述方法表示 border。
回文 border 是回文串的回文前缀,也是它的回文后缀。由于周期的性质,border 可以按照长度之差分为 $\mathcal{O}(\log |S|)$ 组,每一组称为一个 border series,其中同组 border 的长度之差相等,具体来说是将 border 与更小 border 的长度之差相等的 border 分为一组(虽然倒过来分也没关系)。
在字符串末尾增加一个字符后,回文后缀只会有三种事件:后缀变长、后缀消失、后缀出现。其中后缀消失和后缀出现的总次数关于长度线性,而同一个 border series 的后缀除最长的 border 外其他 border 要么同时变长、要么同时消失。
AC 自动机计算 fail 的复杂度基于所有节点的深度之和不超过总串长,在后缀树和回文树上则没有这样的性质。如果对 kmp、AC 自动机、后缀树、回文树需要支持末尾增删操作,有两种做法可以选择,一种是记录 border series 强行计算,一种是额外记录每个节点增加某个字符能到达的节点信息,前者是 $\mathcal{O}(\log |S|)$ 的,后者是 $\mathcal{O}(\sum)$ 或 $\mathcal{O}(\log \sum)$ 的。
考虑任意一组 border(不只是回文 border),不妨设 border 长度从小到大依次为 $l_1, l_2, \cdots, l_{m - 1}$ ,并且我们约定 $l_0 = 0, l_m = |S|$,那么对于任意的 $i = 1, 2, \cdots, m - 1$,要么有 $l_{i + 1} > 2 l_i$,要么存在 $j = 0, 1, \cdots, i - 1$ 使得 $l_{i + 1} = 2 l_i - l_j$,而且当 $l_{i + 1} - l_i$ 是 $l_i - l_{i - 1}$ 的倍数时,必有 $l_{i + 1} = 2 l_i - l_{i - 1}$。此外,这些性质限制的序列一定能表示成某个字符串 $S$ 的 border。